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Friday, December 19, 2008

The Perfect Gift Giver

By Filoiann Wiedenhoff

James 1:16-18

“Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of His creatures. NKJV

How would you love to be known as the perfect gift giver? Not just at Christmas, but birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and showers? The title alone would give you notoriety for sure…not to mention the reputation of a genius. Why do I say “Genius”?

It’s pure and simple: It’s not easy finding the perfect gift for someone. You have to know what they like, need or want; their particular tastes, styles and whether or not it fits into their own personal lifestyle.

It takes real time and effort to give the perfect gift and the reality is, it never comes without a cost.
The perfect gift giver usually spends time and effort into every detail from the personal gift that is unique for that particular person or one that is needful. This thoughtfulness goes beyond the normal thought of giving, to a genuine care or concern on whether or not this person will utilize, benefit and enjoy this gift long after they received it.

I know personally I fall short as a “Gift-Giver” but when I stopped to think about who I knew was the perfect gift giver; only one person came to mind. God!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. NKJV - John 3:16-17

Let’s think about this for a moment shall we? The three main qualities of a perfect gift giver are; thoughtfulness, personal time and effort. You see God gave above and beyond what we can imagine or think. He gave us a gift that was more than thoughtful; it was personal, sacrificial, beneficial, eternal, and full of unconditional love.

As we take a closer look at these heavenly qualities, I pray that you would remember that He did this for you personally and when Jesus took up the cup of suffering and hung on that cross He had you on His mind. This understanding alone I hope touches your heart as it does mine.

Sacrificial: God willingly sacrificed His only begotten son and Christ consented, that the requirements of the law would be fulfilled and the punishment of death that was due was paid in full through Jesus, who bore our sins and iniquities and took up our offenses. (Acts 13:33-34, Romans 8:1-4, Isaiah 53:5)

Beneficial: In receiving Jesus Christ into our hearts by faith through His grace we now have new life that is eternal, born from above through the Holy Spirit, no longer born of this world but heirs with Christ in the kingdom of Heaven. (2 Corinthians 5;17, Ephesians 2; 8-10, Romans 10; 9)

Personal: Also, in receiving Jesus Christ as our savior and Lord we also have a personal relationship with Him. One that is closer than a brother and more than a friend. We can now come boldly to the throne of grace in our hour and time of need and know that He hears us because we are now His children and can cry out, “Abba” Father! (Romans 8:15, Galatians 4:6, Hebrews 4:16, John 15; 13-15, Proverbs 18: 24)

Un-Conditional: God’s unconditional love is proved in this, that when we were dead in our trespasses and sins He still died for us. God did this that none would perish but all would come to repentance because He loves us and cares for us deeply. (Ephesians 2; 4-7, 2 Peter 3; 9, Isaiah 43:4-5, Jeremiah 31; 3, John 15; 9, John 15; 12)

I encourage you to look up these scripture references; they will bless your heart and soul. I don’t know about you but after reading this list I am sold that God is the ultimate and perfect gift giver in this world and the question is, “Have you received this free gift of grace for yourself”?

If you receive His free gift of grace, confess your sins and believe by faith that Jesus died on the cross for you as your Lord and savior; you have everything to gain and nothing to lose but if you choose to reject this gift of salvation, you have everything to lose and nothing to gain. Without a savior the bible says that we are condemned to hell where there is a weeping and gnashing of teeth. Eternal damnation is destined for those who do not receive the gift of God’s grace. God’s whole purpose to send His son was to save you from hell punishment and death.

There is a great deception that all roads lead to heaven but the scriptures are clear that there is only “One” road and that one road is one person, Jesus Christ. Don’t be deceived!

“Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” NKJV - John 14:6

The bible also says, to choose this day whom you will follow. Remember that Jesus is the reason for this season, He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. (John 14:6) Please choose life! God’s Gift is free but know it did not come without a cost and only Jesus could pay that price and willingly already has for me and you that we might have life and life more abundantly!

I hope after reading this, you have received the “Perfect Gift” from the “Perfect Gift Giver” and if you have… please be sure to share this gift with others. It will be the best gift they will ever receive!

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor’s wife, woman’s counselor, writer and columnist. Visit her website, http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff/ for more inspirational articles and devotionals and sign-up for her monthly newsletter.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Remembering Father on Father's Day!

Dedicated to My Father, My Husband, and My GodMy father was a First Sergeant in the Marine Corps, serving in the Vietnam War. He came home with wounds and purple hearts to show for it. I was born during that time in November of 1967. He was there a few days after I was born but had to return to Vietnam shortly after. He may have come home another time when I was very little, but I don't remember.

I remember seeing him for the first time when I was about five years old. I still remember the day he came home from the war. My mother, brothers and I were standing right outside on the blacktop where the planes landed, waiting anxiously for him to walk out.

Suddenly, a handsome young man dressed in a beige Marine uniform with medals swarming the side of his chest and wearing a sharp hat to match started walking toward us. I remember my mother bending down beside me, whispering in my ear saying, “That’s your father.” Without any hesitation I remember running up to him as fast as I could, opening up my arms and jumping right into his chest. He caught me in the air, hugging me tight, swinging me around laughing with the biggest smile I ever saw.

At that moment in time it didn’t matter that I didn’t know him; all I knew was he was my father and I loved him and he obviously loved me back. It was the beginning of a new relationship and I couldn’t wait to get started.

Our relationship never changed from that day. I was daddy’s little girl (and only girl) so I can honestly say I was indeed spoiled and my three brothers, Jaffa, John, and James can all testify to that fact, but they were okay with it being that I was a “girl” and all.

There’s something special about a father’s love that makes us feel secure, protected and grounded in who we are. Perhaps it’s because of their strong stature, their demeanor, or the fact that we know they go to work day in and day out to support the family, whether they feel like it or not. It’s not a conscious thought on our part, it’s just a sense of comfort and security knowing they are there.

There’s a quote by Billy Graham, a well-known Christian Evangelist who said, "A good father is one of the most unsung, unpraised, unnoticed, and yet one of the most valuable assets in our society." I agree with Billy Graham; fathers do so much, they mean so much and are valuable in our society, but are not given the praise and appreciation they deserve.

I pray that this Father’s Day you would honor your fathers, husbands, brothers and any men you know in this important role and bless them with your words of affirmation, your actions and your love for all they do. While you are doing this, don’t forget you also have a Heavenly Father who loves you and is right there with you.

I would like to make a special dedication to my father, David Jaffa Solomon, my husband, Daniel Wiedenhoff, and my Heavenly Father.My father is now in heaven but I know I will see him again. I just want to say, “Dad, I salute you with all my heart and I'm so proud of you. Thank you for loving me, my family and my country. I love you and I will see you again!”

To my husband, Dan, "Thank you for being a wonderful father; for all that you do, your hard work, labor of love and commitment to taking care of your family, even when you are tired or don’t feel like it. No matter what, you still get up and go to work every day to provide for us. We love you, appreciate you, and thank you for all you do!"

To my God and Heavenly Father, "Thank You for sacrificing Your only Son to give us eternal life. Thank you for Your unconditional love that never fails, Your consistent caring for us, and for never leaving nor forsaking us. There is nothing in this world I could give You to express my gratitude for all You have done for us and are still doing, except to say my prayer is that we could show You our appreciation by living a life which honors You and glorifies Your name. Thank You so much and we love You!"

To all you fathers, “Happy Father’s Day!” May you be blessed this day with peace, love and many blessings. We honor you and we appreciate you for all you do!

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor's wife, woman's biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can view her website on http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and sign up for her monthly newsletter.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Faith is Seeing

“Faith is Seeing”
Inspirational Devotional

Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. NKJV

The Hebrew word for substance is Hupastsis which means; a setting under as in support, essence, concretely and confidently. The word evidence is Elechos which means proof or conviction.

As we look at these definitions in light of what the bible says Faith is; it is saying that faith is the solid concrete support of things hoped for and the proof of things not seen.

Have you ever tried to have faith in a certain situation not knowing what the outcome would be but hoped that somehow God would provide? I think this passage could easily be taken out of context because of the misunderstanding of the word hope.

Hope in the bible actually means to wait in anticipation that something is going to arrive or happen. Unfortunately, the way we use the word “hope” today is more of uncertainty and doubt. For example, we usually use the word like this, “I don’t know if it will arrive or happen but I hope that it will.” Does this sentence sound confidant or full of assurance? It doesn’t to me and I don’t believe it would to you either.

I believe we all have said this about a situation at one time or another. We have to keep in mind that the words that were written before our time usually have a different meaning or that the meaning of words have changed in our English language over a period of time. Words today have also become more casual to adapt to our modern way of thinking.

The questions is; what does the bible say hope is? Waiting in anticipation that something “is” going to happen. So let’s look at this passage again through fresh eyes in light of these definitions:
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Simply stated: Faith in the bible does not say we are to have a blind faith that hopes things will come to pass but a very visual and solid faith that sees and believes that what and who we are having our faith in, “is” there right before our very eyes as solid proof, we just have not been given the permission from God to see it yet but is there just the same.

If you read the hall of faith in the book of Hebrews, these patriarchs of faith believed in the promise and died never seeing it fulfilled but believed it was there with full assurance that God is faithful and that it would come to pass with out a doubt.

They didn’t depend on their eye sight to have faith but believed in God’s very character, word and nature that it would be so because He said it would and that was proof enough for them.
My question to you is, “Is your faith a seeing faith or a blind faith?” I want to encourage you that God is faithful and the bible says He will do it and already has.

May you be blessed today with a new perspective and outlook on true faith that sees as well as believes with great anticipation that it will come to pass according to His will.

Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor's wife, woman's biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and join sign up for her monthly newsletter.

Monday, March 3, 2008

The Resurrection of Christ Brings us New Life!

Ah Easter, one of my favorite holidays of the year. We love Easter because it is not only one of the most spiritual holidays but a time for reflection and family to come together. It is a remembrance of Jesus rising from the dead, known as His Resurrection.

Most of us who have grown up in church have been taught the resurrection and the significance of why he rose from the dead, but what most people may fail to recognize in this very important event was His main purpose for doing it.

In our modern day vernacular we understand the main significance of Easter as Christ the Messiah resurrecting from the dead to not only prove that He was the Son of God who is not dead but alive, but also to give to us who believe new life in His name.

Although we learn this and hear this every year at Easter Service, we forget or are unaware to take it further into our own personal lives that as He was given new life we also have been given new life through Him.

Romans 6:3-5: "Or do you not know that as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death? Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life. For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death, certainly we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection." NKJV

The main purpose that I was mentioning earlier is how we as His believers are to appropriate His resurrection into our own daily lives by receiving His new life into our hearts as new creations by faith, and as it says here in Romans 6:5, "we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection." In other words, our transformation comes through living out His new life in us.

2 Corinthians 5:17: "If any man be in Christ He is a new creation, the old has passed away behold all things become new." NKJV

Galatians 2:20: " I am crucified with Christ. I no longer live but Christ lives in me, the life that I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me." NKJV

If you have received Jesus Christ into your heart, my question to you is: Do you believe that you are a new creation in Christ, that you have a new life in Christ through the Holy Spirit? That your old nature has passed away or been put to death with Christ on the cross? That you yourself have been resurrected from the dead and now live in this new life?

These concepts may be hard to swallow, and I understand that you may have never thought of Christ's resurrection in this light before; but this is exactly what God's Word says and also why Christ rose from the dead, to give His new life to you through the Holy Spirit.

This understanding can only be received by grace through faith. It is not a concept you can rationalize into your life or earn it into your life by works; it has to be received by faith because it is a supernatural gift that can only come from God.

Romans 8:10-11: "But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness. And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you." NKJV

My prayer for you this Easter is that you would receive from Jesus His new life in you by faith. That you are a new creation in Christ, the old has passed away and the new has come and therefore live as new creations and dearly loved children of God that will walk according to His Spirit and glorify His name.

Romans 8:15: "For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship, and by him we cry, "Abba, Father." NKJV
Happy Easter from my family to yours!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Helpful Tips on Having a Quiet Time

Spending quiet time means to set aside time alone with God. Whether it is 10 minutes or 30 minutes doesn’t matter, what matters is that you make the time and be consistent in doing it everyday. Making the time is important because it sets a foundation for your walk and relationship with God.

I put together some tips that I personally use and hope that you will be blessed. You can change it; adapt it to your own quiet time or whatever you wish to do. This is simply a guide to give you some direction if you are new to Christianity or just needing some added tips to your own quiet time.

Here they are as follows:

Prepare: Spending quiet time will take some preparation on your part. You will need to answer some important questions; What time is best for you to have your quiet time? What place is best for you to read and pray that is private? What resources will you need for your quiet time? Take some time to think and plan out making time with God and you will most likely be more consistent doing it.

Plan Ahead: A suggestion would be to plan ahead of time what you will need for your quiet time. To get either a basket or box that will fit your bible, pen or pencil, note pad or journal, daily devotional, bible dictionary, Webster’s dictionary or bible commentary. These are all suggestions but bible pen and paper are a definite must.

Pray: I encourage you to pray through out the day but for your quiet time it is good to pray specific. Pray for God to speak to you in your time with Him and your time in His Word and believe by faith He will answer you.

Passage & Scripture Reading: Whether it is a daily devotional, reading a chapter in the bible or a scripture reference book. Whatever the Lord is putting on your heart to read, is good as long as you have a scripture or passage in God’s word.

  • Read the particular passage.
  • Read the particular passage in context. Which means, to read the entire chapter to fully understand why the passage is there and what it means?
  • See if there are any specific words that speak to you in that passage, like love, faith, or doubt, etc… make note of that as possibly your theme for the day and passage.
  • Feel free to look up definitions of those words to add some depth.
  • Look up cross-references and possible summary of passage if possible.

Journal: Write down the passage or scripture that speaks to you, what it means and what it is speaking to you personally and your own personal thoughts.

Ponder the Lesson: Take a moment to ponder the passage you are reading and what God is speaking to you about in that particular lesson and then ask God to help you receive it in your heart and mind and give you full understanding of it’s meaning.

Personal Application: Find out what this particular lesson is speaking to you personally and how you can apply it to your life today. Journal that also.

Personal Prayer: Pray and ask God to help you not only receive the personal message God has given you but also the power to apply it to your life today by faith.

Praise Him: Praise God for His faithfulness and thank God for all that He is and all He does and has done in your life and the life of others.

Prayer Time: If time permits or you are led to pray and intercede, take a moment and ask God to put people or situations on your heart to pray for and He is faithful to answer that prayer.

Don’t forget to close in prayer.

When the Lord gives me a message or lesson for the day, I ponder and meditate on that lesson, message or particular scripture throughout the day so that it will be written on my heart and mind and hopefully memorized by the end of the day and am able to apply it.

I hope these tips will help give you a jump start to do your own quiet time and deepen your relationship with Christ even more. Blessings!


Inspirational Devotional

"Seek Him First"

Matthew 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added to you."

In life we are tempted to seek after many things, with so many distractions and interruptions that can take us away from the things that really matter. What does Jesus say here in Matthew 6:33? To seek first the kingdom of God. The word "seek" in the Hebrew means "to search for as in searching for silver or gold".

The bible says that where our treasure is our heart will be also. What is your treasure today? Are you spending time with God? If not I want to encourage you to remember Christ as your first love and return to Him and go back to doing the things you did at first. Anything that we put before God is considered an idol and apart from Him we can do nothing.

What does Jesus say will happen if we seek the Kingdom of God first? That all these things will be added or given to us. I encourage you to make a decision today to do as Mary did; she chose to sit at the Lord's feet rather than be "busy" for God, and Jesus said that Mary made the better choice and it will never be taken away from her. When we choose to seek Him first ,He gives us more than we can imagine or think in return which is Christ Himself and what more could we possibly want?

Personal Prayer
Dear Heavenly Father,
It is so easy for me to be busy. Please help me to slow down, sit at your feet and spend time with you that I can make you my number one priority and return to you as my first love. Please forgive me if I have strayed and refresh my heart and make me new again. Thank you Jesus for loving me and hearing my prayers. Amen