“Faith is Seeing”
Inspirational Devotional
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. NKJV
The Hebrew word for substance is Hupastsis which means; a setting under as in support, essence, concretely and confidently. The word evidence is Elechos which means proof or conviction.
Inspirational Devotional
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. NKJV
The Hebrew word for substance is Hupastsis which means; a setting under as in support, essence, concretely and confidently. The word evidence is Elechos which means proof or conviction.
As we look at these definitions in light of what the bible says Faith is; it is saying that faith is the solid concrete support of things hoped for and the proof of things not seen.
Have you ever tried to have faith in a certain situation not knowing what the outcome would be but hoped that somehow God would provide? I think this passage could easily be taken out of context because of the misunderstanding of the word hope.
Hope in the bible actually means to wait in anticipation that something is going to arrive or happen. Unfortunately, the way we use the word “hope” today is more of uncertainty and doubt. For example, we usually use the word like this, “I don’t know if it will arrive or happen but I hope that it will.” Does this sentence sound confidant or full of assurance? It doesn’t to me and I don’t believe it would to you either.
I believe we all have said this about a situation at one time or another. We have to keep in mind that the words that were written before our time usually have a different meaning or that the meaning of words have changed in our English language over a period of time. Words today have also become more casual to adapt to our modern way of thinking.
The questions is; what does the bible say hope is? Waiting in anticipation that something “is” going to happen. So let’s look at this passage again through fresh eyes in light of these definitions:
Hebrews 11:1
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Simply stated: Faith in the bible does not say we are to have a blind faith that hopes things will come to pass but a very visual and solid faith that sees and believes that what and who we are having our faith in, “is” there right before our very eyes as solid proof, we just have not been given the permission from God to see it yet but is there just the same.
If you read the hall of faith in the book of Hebrews, these patriarchs of faith believed in the promise and died never seeing it fulfilled but believed it was there with full assurance that God is faithful and that it would come to pass with out a doubt.
They didn’t depend on their eye sight to have faith but believed in God’s very character, word and nature that it would be so because He said it would and that was proof enough for them.
My question to you is, “Is your faith a seeing faith or a blind faith?” I want to encourage you that God is faithful and the bible says He will do it and already has.
May you be blessed today with a new perspective and outlook on true faith that sees as well as believes with great anticipation that it will come to pass according to His will.
Filoiann Wiedenhoff is a pastor's wife, woman's biblical counselor, bible teacher, writer and columnist. You can visit her website http://www.filoiannwiedenhoff.com/ and join sign up for her monthly newsletter.